Clicking on the links below will show you how to perform specific tasks in UI Builder. Each How To section contains:
Some also contain demos of the concept to help deepen your understanding. The content below forms the pillars of your conversational AI application.
Evaluating JSON Using the LG Editor
Testing Your Language Generation (LG) During Design
Integrate Analytics API with Azure Data Factory and Power BI
Send Email Using Office 365 and Graph API
Sending an SMS Message From Your Twilio Account
Solution Accelerator: AI Speaker Recognition
Designing for Multiple Channels
Vocalize Input Choices In Your Chatbot
How to Use a Voice-Only Chatbot
Leveraging Speech Controls in UI Builder
Ensure Correct Options Are Triggered When A Caller Speaks
Triggering SIP Transfers in Zammo using Twilio
Debug Your Conversational AI Application
Setting up “Office Hours”, Holiday Variables, and Mapping
Create Custom Analytics Using UI Builder
Adjusting the Confidence Score Threshold for Q&A Content
Managing Versions in UI Builder
Intent Confidence Score Threshold
zDispatch and Dynamic Skill Transfer
Now that you've covered the Fundamentals and How To's, why not check out some sample applications that have been built with UI Builder.