When building for IVR, many designers want the control and flexibility to control things such as Silence Detection, Barge-In and Re-Prompts.

Using Zammo and Twilio this can be achieved through Zammo’s integration with Twilio’s Automated Speech Recognition (ACR).

How It Works

The bot supports two new custom events: zammoSetTelephonyConfigurationand  zammoSetTelephonyConfigurationForNextPrompt

From UI Builder select Emit a custom event and set the event name to one of the two new custom events.

In the Event value, provide an object with your desired configurations.

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For further details on which properties are supported and for more information on each custom event type and accepted parameters, please read below.


The event allows the designer to set the global configuration for the conversation. All the prompts will use that configuration unless overridden by a prompt-specific configuration.

It supports the following properties:

  "allowBargeIn": "false",
  "silenceDetectionTimeout": "5"

The designer can also omit properties. If a property is omitted in an event it will use the standard default value: false for allowBargeIn and 5 seconds for the silenceDetectionTimeout