By default, CLU does not have a concept of a confidence score threshold. This means that the top-scoring intent in any language model will trigger by default.

Depending on your application you may or may not want the behavior to trigger the top-scoring intent by default regardless of the score. For example, when initially starting and having a small number of intents (and a small model) you may have low scores based on the user requests.

The CLU Threshold feature lets a conversation designer define a specific threshold for their business. This will be applied across the entire application and all intents.

<aside> 💡 When the Intent Confidence Score Threshold is set, if the top-scoring intent for a given user request does not exceed the defined threshold, the zammoNotUnderstoodTriggered event will be triggered.

If the confidence score does exceed the threshold it will still trigger the top scoring intent by default.


How to Access

The Intent Confidence Score Threshold setting is accessed by browsing UI Builder for your business and then by clicking on the Settings icon:


The Intent Confidence Score Threshold can be defined by using the following slider:


Providing a value between 0-1 will ensure that CLU intents are triggered when the confidence is higher than this threshold.