When people interact with your conversational AI application they might speak with slightly different phrases. It's a good idea to build flexibility into your trigger phrases to handle these use cases.

The synonyms feature in UI Builder makes it easy for you to provide a flexible approach to handling the different ways a user may say an option.

In this How To you'll learn how to use the synonyms feature to handle the different ways a user may speak an option.

Step 1 - Create the Dialog

  1. First, create a new dialog in UI Builder called CorrectOptionTriggered:


<aside> 💡 You can learn how to create dialogs here.


  1. Add a new Prompt with multi-choice by clicking on the + node and selecting the following:


With the multi choice added the properties can now be set.

Step 2 - Create and Configure the Prompt

Here we need to configure the prompt. This involves setting up the message that will be spoken, setting the choice options and creating some synonyms.

To do this perform the following steps: