<aside> 💡 Welcome to the Conversational AI FAQ Knowledge Base! We're here to help answer your questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Create a support ticket HERE.
<aside> 🗣
Getting Started: Create Your Bot Project
Best Practices for Implementation
UI Builder: Sample Applications
Zammo Chatbot (UI Kit) Digital Accessibility Policy
VPAT - Accessibility Conformance Report
News & Press Release — Zammo.ai
<aside> ⭐ See overview video of the Zammo product:
[Zammo.ai Demo ](https://conversational-ai-faq.notion.site/Zammo-ai-Demo-92eb637dfa68417fada45745424b541a)
<aside> 💡 Looking for a demo specific to your industry?
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5efc90cc-d9f4-40eb-911e-430937dd3b0a/b24afb6c-f3dd-44ca-b612-ed7eeb36c9c4/images.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5efc90cc-d9f4-40eb-911e-430937dd3b0a/b24afb6c-f3dd-44ca-b612-ed7eeb36c9c4/images.png" width="40px" /> See Microsoft-related Videos:
<aside> 📹 Additional informational videos below:
Value of Conversational AI for Your Business
Why Enterprises Should Get on Voice Assistants
Instructions on how to import these .zip files into your conversation can be found here: How To: Export / Import
Education Conversational Library
[Zammo.ai Demo Walkthrough](https://conversational-ai-faq.notion.site/Zammo-ai-Demo-Walkthrough-a3c165ddfac04061a19a449ea81cd362)