Zammo’s built-in knowledge base gives you control over your content while providing transparency into the automated background processes designed for convenience and ease of use.
Once indexing is initiated, you can monitor its status in the Index Status modal. To access it, select the Explore icon in the Update Data Source modal. This modal contains four tabs - Problems, Processing, In Staging, and Published - each offering visibility and insights into the file processing and indexing stages.
For website data sources, the modal is titled, “Crawled URLs”. For document data sources, the modal is titled, “Indexed Documents.” While they share most of the same options and functionality, there are some key differences. This guide will highlight those differences wherever they apply.
When the modal opens, the content that is in staging, or the test environment, is displayed.
Zammo provides a staging index to keep content that is being tested isolated from live content.
For a website data source, a list of URLs that have been indexed, or are in the process of being indexed, is displayed. The columns to the right contain indexing details for each URL: the date the URL was last updated, the ending pipeline status on that date, and the index status for saved (test) content and Published (live) content.
For a document data source, a list of documents that have been indexed, or are in the process of being indexed, is displayed. The columns to the right contain indexing details for each document: the date the document was last updated, the ending pipeline status on that date, and the index status for saved (test) content and Published (live) content.
Below are the Save Index Status icons and their meanings: