In this section, you will see how to query and test your new knowledge base directly within UI Builder.

To query a knowledge base, you issue requests against the endpoint it was published to. To access the endpoint, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the cog icon in the list of knowledge bases:

PhysKBSettings (1) (1).png

  1. The knowledge base information modal popup is displayed. Click on the copy icon to copy the endpoint URL to your local clipboard:

PhysKBCopyURL (1) (1).png

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Take note of the endpoint URL. You will need to supply it in UI Builder to test your knowledge base.


  1. Open UI Builder. Add Send an HTTP Request activity. Click on the editor icon:

Untitled (12).png

  1. The editor modal popup is displayed. Set the request type to POST. Set the URL to the following: