NOTE: When importing this app, you will need to provide information in the Configuration Variables section of the Conversation Designer before it can function. Here are the variables you will need to provide:

config.BotPersona — the persona of your chatbot

config.OpenAiapiKey — the API key for your Azure OpenAI completions endpoint

config.OpenAiHostURL — the Azure OpenAI completions endpoint

config.openAiTimeout — a number (in seconds) after which the chatbot will return a “timed out” message

config.OutsideOfContextResponse — displayed to the end user when Azure AI Search does not provide information to Azure OpenAI that can be used to formulate a response to the end user’s utterance

config.OAIQueryInteractionHistory — the number of previous interactions in the conversation (utterances/responses) that are passed to Azure OpenAI for context. Having this number higher than 3 can cause your token limit to be surpassed quickly.

config.KBqueryType — the method Azure AI Search will be using to query your Zammo Knowledge Base. Options are “semantic” or “vector” (if you enabled vector search on your knowledge base)

config.KBURL — the Zammo Knowledge Base search endpoint

config.useOAIFallbackResponse — if “no”, then config.OutsideOfContextResponse is displayed to the user when Azure OpenAI returns a response that does not have any references.

config.topKBResults — the number of search results to pass from Azure AI Search to Azure OpenAI. Any number higher than 3 may cause OpenAI to receive bad/contradictory information and/or surpass your Azure OpenAI token limitation. This configuration variable must be created, it will not import into UI Builder when the template bot is imported!