By now you have created your organization, developed Q&A, and moved it from "Compose Q&A" to "Review" to "Ready to Publish". Now it’s time to move through the voice platform process!

From the dashboard click on the “Channels” option on the left navigation bar.

Choose a business category for Alexa, by clicking "Publish"under either platform.

First, you will click the drop down arrow in the “Select a Business Category” box which will show a range of categories to choose from. These are the only categories either platform offers, so if you can’t find an exact match, choose the closest matching business category.

Second, fill in your business invocation name.  An invocation name is how users will speak your business name on voice assistants. For example, "Alexa, launch Dave's Clothing Store," or "Alexa, ask Dave's Clothing Store what time do you open?"

Find tips on choosing your invocation name HERE.

When you have selected your Alexa invocation name, click the "Check Availability" button to determine whether or not this domain name is taken already.

If the voice domain name is available, a verification window will pop up.

You can proceed to publishing by clicking "Publish".