In the zammoAppLaunched event in your zammostartingbot, do the following:
- Add a Branch: If/else block immediately below the first Send a response block by clicking the plus sign and selecting Create a condition > Branch: If/else from the pop-up menu
- Set the Condition for this block to == "directline"
- In the False branch of the If/else that we just added, add a Set a property block by clicking the plus sign and selecting Manage properties > Set a property from the pop-up menu
- The Property of the block can be named whatever you choose. (In this example, I’m using callingFromPhoneNumber).
- Ensure that you have chosen conversation scope for this property, as a user’s phone number will not change during the conversation. This keeps you from having to get the user’s phone number multiple times.
- Set the Value of the property to
=replace([](<>), '+1', '')
- Phone numbers are captured in the format +1NNNNNNNNNN; this formula crops the
off the front of the number.
💡 If your users are calling from a different country code, substitute the appropriate country code for +1.