UI Builder is a user-friendly tool that allows you to design, create, test, and publish your conversational AI application.
The powerful click-and-create interface is accessed from a web browser and makes it easy for you to model conversational logic according to your unique requirements.
With many out of the box features such as Prompts and Conditional Logic, building your conversational AI application with UI Builder can accelerate your development process.
1 - Navigation Pane
The collapsible Navigation Pane contains options for setting up, managing, and troubleshooting the conversation design:
Design - The current view shown above
Search - Provides search and replace tools
Bot responses - View the bot response raw code
User input - View the user input raw code
Configuration variables - Import, export, set, edit, and delete configuration variables used in the design
Version management - A type of audit trail. View and compare version history, and set another version as the current version
RAG Projects - Import, export, create, edit, clone, and delete RAG Projects to use in the design with the RAG (preview) activity for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) use cases
Errors - View bot errors and CLU errors filtered by date/time, publishing status, correlation id, and exception details
Test your model - Test your design with different language models
Settings - Change general settings for offline messages, translation, Did you mean?, automatic punctuation, Transform first message in new threads to launch message, intent confidence score threshold, general model, and well as add and manage client SSL certificates on a per domain basis
2 - List Pane
The List pane lists the name of the organization, or bot project, followed by events, triggers, and dialogs. When an item is selected, it becomes active. Its contents are displayed, and any changes are applied to it. Triggers and dialogs can be added, removed, renamed, imported, and exported. Also, entire bot projects can be imported and exported.
3 - Canvas
The Canvas is where the conversation workflow is created and edited. The menu at the top of the Design Pane includes features for editing the conversation design, launching the Simulator for testing, hiding parts of the screen, viewing test variable values, and searching for elements in the design.
4 - Details Pane
The Details Pane is where settings are entered for the active item in the Canvas or the List Pane.
5 - Bottom Bar
Clicking in the Bottom Bar opens a pop-up window where one can view errors, warnings, output, property values, and variables.
6 - Back to Zammo portal
This option navigates back to the Zammo portal.