Zammo Analytics allows you to identify the number of unique conversations had over a certain time period (seven, thirty, or ninety days). You can then filter based on these unique conversations to trace conversations from start to finish.
- Download the raw data spreadsheet for the time period you want to review.
- In the spreadsheet, select column I, “Conversation Id”
- Navigate to the Data tab in Excel and select Advanced filtering.
- In the Advanced Filter pop-up, select “Copy to another location”, enter the cell you want to copy the filtered data to (in this example, we are using Q1), check “Unique records only”, then click OK.
- Scroll down to the last entry in column Q (or whichever column you copied the filtered data to). In the cell below the last entry, enter the function =ROWS(Q2:Qnnnn), where nnnn is the row of the last entry (in this example, 29183).
- Hit enter and the number displayed will be the total number of unique conversations that occurred during the reported time period. In this example, there were a total of 32782 user interactions and 29182 unique conversations.