This guide will show you how to add Documents to your Zammo knowledge base.


You must have an existing knowledge base set up in the Zammo Portal. You can learn how to do this here.

Adding a Document Data Source

Three types of data sources can be added to the knowledge base: website URLs, documents, and cloud storage. For this guide, the Documents type is being used.

To add a document data source to a knowledge base, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Knowledge Bases screen select Add a new data source:


AddNewDataSourceKBPhys (3).png


  1. The Create a Data Source modal popup is shown. Supply a name and description for the data source. Set the data source type to Self uploaded Documents, then select Create:


CreateDataSourcePhys (1).png


  1. The screen will refresh and your data source will be added. Select the data source again by clicking on the pencil icon:




  1. In the Update data source modal popup, click on Indexing configuration.